01 大道之行-To bring the highest ideals of God into practice. 天下为公-The best world can be made without prejudice. 不分彼此-'This' and 'that', tis needless to say. 无论西东-Or 'east' and 'west', anyway.
02 大如宇宙-As large as the whole universe. 小似鱼虫-Or as small as an insect or a fish. 形体有异-They differ only in body and size. 性灵终同-With the same soul in each.
03 俯察黄泉-To look upon the heaven above. 仰视霄冲-And down to the ground below. 万千变化-Many a thousand changes may occur, 不离其宗-But all the same are governed by law.
04 纯乎自然-This seems quite natural, 异曲同工-To sing different songs with equal skill. 生化之间-During an interval of life and death, 各秉正统-Every particle owns a good spirit still.
05 日月星辰-The sun, the moon and the stars are. 弥漫太空-Heavenly bodies all o’er the sky, 山水沙木-While mountains, waters, sands and woods were. 造化所锺-Created by God in forms wet or dry.
06 人列三才-In between the heaven and the earth, 灵焉最聪-Human beings are the wisest of all, 领导群伦-To take the lead among the rest, 共乐仁风-And enjoy the Big Nature what we can all.
07 溯彼太初-From the very beginning, 万有穆雍-A peaceful air was over all. 主宰恒存-There must be the Lord, 操纵其中-With an absolute power to control.
08 一胞所系-Such a huge system is of no border, 静躁不同-With a content of bodies large and small; 无钜弗包-They may be in motion or at rest, 无细弗容-That's the only difference after all.
09 有象易见-With image, one can easily observe. 无形难穷-Lest one can't even comprehend. 天命莫测-The ways of providence are oftentimes, 自始至终-Inscrutable from beginning to end.
10 生来何自-Where were we born from? 死去何从-Where shall we pass away to? 真理常在-Causes and effects are rather complicate. 因果错综-Yet the truth is always true.
11 无化无灭-Unchangeable and indestructible is, 厥为圆灵-The true essence-This one soul. 舍之则亡-It may be neglected and lost, 操之则存-Or it may be kept in full.
12 生生之本-To search for the origin of life eternal. 上苍之仁-We resort to the great kindness of God. 仁者无敌-For a kind person is always invincible. 草木全仁-And a good plant depends upon its seed bud.
13 恒大悠久-Moreover, eternal is also the civilization, 博厚高明-And profound are both and heaven, 不动而变-Without any abrupt change of themselves, 无为而成-All things moulded within.
14 煌煌先哲-So brilliant were the ancient sages- 世界圣人-Saints of the world. 积年累月-For years and months they tried 真谛是寻-With God's truth to hold.
15 因时因地-To preach the gospel through different apostles, 因事因人-At different times in different localities, 悉奉使命-They were born to be Archangele of God, 至性生成-Together with many good qualities.
16 创立宗教-They had established their religions respectively. 修己度人-To save themselves and others who suffered too much. 善不计功-To cast their own bread into waters, 取义成仁-They had done what ought to be done for each.
17 耶回儒释-The five religions are Christianity, 道教异名-Mohammedanism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. 初本一家-With no difference from the outset, 未尝径庭-They are the same under God's kingdom.
18 诸子百家-To develop them into many branches. 衍出多门-There were countless thinkers of the past. 择善固执-They followed strictly the human nature, 率性而行-To prove all things good and hold them fast.
19 自诚而明-Honestly makes a man wise, 自明而诚-Wisdom makes a man honest. 忠以尽己-Faithfulness of oneself is apt to win praise, 恕以待人-Yet forgiveness to others is still the finest.
20 何道非道-Nowhere will not be the truth of God, 晶晶莹莹-That's apparent to everybody. 一以贯之-But success had only those. 炳炳鳞鳞-Who took it under custody.
21 降及后世-Until the recent centuries, 志理竞欲-Men forgot truth for wants in competition. 异端纷起-Differences in opinion arose. 入主出奴-From differences in pre-occupation.
22 各因成见-Because some prejudices existed. 互不和睦-They were not mutually reconcilable. 酿为战争-As a result, belligerent actions took place 干戈相属-And wars were unavoidable.
23 祸乱之烈-The disaster might be so serious 此兴彼伏-That one came after another. 正义莫张-There could be no more justice, 生灵汨役-And many living souls always died together.
24 或为刀俎-Some of them were slaughterers, 或为鱼肉-Some of them were victims. 残肢缺体-Nothing had there been so dreadful 伤心惨目-As the wounded bodies and limbs.
25 粉碎家庭-Many families were broken. 离散骨肉-Many couples were dissociated. 掠夺土地-Many fertile soils were spoiled. 覆灭异族-Many peoples of different races were annihilated.
26 丧失文化-Civilization was deteriorated. 摧残教育-Education was metamorphosed. 破坏和平-Peace was destroyed. 牺牲幸福-Welfare was sacrificed.
27 经济崩溃-Financial crisis had always occurved. 自由难图-As to freedom, ‘twas difficult to attain. 科学误用-Scientific knowledge was ill-used. 利器百出-Secret weapons were renewed again and again.
28 生活艰苦-To get living, ‘twas very hard. 饥馑满屋-Starvation came to every home, whether new or old. 弥天烽火-Distress had caused pain to all. 遍地萑苻-Robbery existed at nearly every corner of the world.
29 愈演愈厉-The conditions grew worse and worse. 愈来愈酷-The cruelty became more and more. 报应昭彰-Both defensive and offensive actions wereve peated. 循环往复-Those facts were quite clear to all.
30 哀哉芸芸-Alas! May poor creatures! 无辜受戮-You have been innocently ill-treated. 既绝反省-Be wiser to plan for yourselves 亟宜自图-At an early date after thoroughly yon reflected.
31 爰在今日-Therefore it's up to nowadays. 将谋战后-A good plan shall be carried out effectively after this war. 永久和平-For the sake of eternal peace 国际机构-An international organization is the best by far.
32 宗教教义-The same truth for all religions, 尤当研究-Everybody has to research. 信仰自由-The freedom to worship God in one's own way 理论精透-Is the most fundamental principle one may reach.
33 凡各教徒-Apostles of the world! 悉属优秀-You are all good fellows! 应发宏愿-You have to serve for the greatest will, 救人自救-To save yourselves and any other who follows.
34 不分中外-With no regard to nationality, 男女老幼-Members of different sexes and ages! 殊途同归-On the basis of equality, you will reach 何薄何厚-The same kingdom of God through different passages.
35 本会成立-Here is the establishment of A.R.I.R. 惟展各埠-With branches in all parts of the world. 宗旨纯正-With a righteous aim. 不愧屋漏-We are all faithful to God.
36 发挥真理-To preach the same truth, 迅伏魔寂-And to defeat the devil enemies, 胜利可期-Victory will be ours, 肤功克奏-Triumphs will not be absurdities.
37 人类文明-Unlike the wild beasts, 非同野兽-Human beings are civilized. 互增情感-Be sympathetic and honest. 勿生疑窦-No doubts can ever be roused.
38 天下大同-In a world of Universal Brotherhood, 河山依旧-As usual, territories have to be restored. 共策安全-To enjoy the same happiness, 胥得享受-The common security must be assured.
39 愿此世界-Wishing that whorld world, 民康物阜-Will return to good order. 一夫不获-If any individual be there not properly treated, 众生互救-Any other may be asked as a saver.
40 永久和平-Eternal peace could aptly be maintained, 殆属天授-If it were gifted by heaven, 愿吾同人-Come on! my dear friends, 精诚奋斗-We have to try our best for this heavy burden. |